What exactly is leadership and what does it mean to be a leader? Leadership is thrust upon those who, through the strength of conviction and moral character, lead through personal example. [Note: If … [Read more...]
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me
Full disclosure here mandates that I let you know I am feeling a bit cranky as I sit down to write today's post. It's Sunday morning, the sun is shining, and while it seems like it's getting hotter … [Read more...]
For the Love of All That is Holy … Be on Time
Did you know that I have never needed to use an alarm clock? It might even be considered a superpower of mine, although I would be disappointed if you are only allotted one superpower and this was it. … [Read more...]
040: Changing Jobs
Changing jobs is exciting and terrifying at the same time – particularly if you are making a drastic change either in the type of work or the size of the firm - something I am experiencing at the … [Read more...]
029: Architects Should Work Construction
If I have one regret during my college education is that I never worked on a construction site. Once I graduated from college, I went straight to work in an architectural office, drawing up all sorts … [Read more...]
027: Is That Even Legal?
How much time have you spent thinking about the legal side of architecture? If you are like most architects, you probably haven't spent enough time thinking about it. While it may not be the sexiest … [Read more...]