It’s that time a year again … I’m starting to run out of ideas and my office is flooded with greeting cards wishing us a ‘Happy Holiday’, ‘Merry Christmas’, or ‘Seasons Greetings’, therefore it’s time for Christmas Card foolishness! I seem to be one of the few people who actually love getting Christmas “update” cards from people. It’s fun to see how people have aged over the last 12 months, and to hear and see about the adventures of their families and businesses. Going through my daily stack, I got to wondering …
What would the holiday cards from my favorite “Master Architects” look like?
I had fun thinking about it, but during my hunt for photos, I started to wonder what sort of holiday captions could I put on these cards? If I drank more while I was writing these posts (and these Christmas cards), I’m quite sure they would be a lot funnier (and probably a lot dirtier – some days I wonder what is wrong with me..)
I also don’t know why I made all these architects so cranky … seriously, what IS wrong with me? So pour yourself an eggnog (I personally like my eggnog with scotch, hold the eggnog) and try to enjoy these stupid cranky postcards.

Merry ‘I’m at work but I’m not really working’ Christmas …