The act of creating architecture is a fairly unique process and the manner in which you learn how to think both creatively and technically is a skill that requires certain training and nurturing to … [Read more...]
Ep 142: When I Grow Up
Astronaut, Fireman, Ballerina, Pilot, Builder, Dump Truck driver – these are all things that children consider as a profession, even before they know the word “profession”. For a lot of architects – … [Read more...]
Ep 138: Is Architecture School Broken pt. 2
Are students graduating from architecture school prepared for the profession? Is the educational system aligned with the workplace? What is the best software to teach students? Can we all just get … [Read more...]
Ep 137: Is Architecture School Broken pt. 1
Life in college for architecture students is remarkably predictable, and for those of us who have been through it, as unique or different as you think your experience was, you eventually come to … [Read more...]
Ep 132: Starting Architecture School Part 2
You have made the decision where to study architecture. You've chosen the architecture school and your degree path. So now what? How much work is this going to be? Do I need to start preparing now to … [Read more...]
Ep 131: Starting Architecture School Part 1
So you are thinking about starting architecture school or looking to study architecture. What are your options for schools? Are you just weeks away from starting your first semester of college … [Read more...]